Fortul – arauca – 4 marzo -2018
Buenas tardes mi nombre es (—)
Pertenesco al batallon especial y energetico vial # 14 Capitan miguel lora. Ppertenesco a la compañia B del segundo peloton Bramonte 2 el dia 4 de marzo Me en contraba por el sector de la vereda agua viva Municipio de Fortul arauca donde me destinava a prestar mi turno de guardia cuando me dirigia al puesto asignado pise la mina y eso me levanto y me tiro al agua donde uno de mis compañeros corrio auxiliarme donde me saco a un potrero y me prestaron los primeros auxilios por parte del enfermero y a la espera del helicoptero que demoro aproximadamente 35 minutos en llegar donde fui trasladado ala ciudad de arauca – Arauca al hospital regional de haya donde me realizaron unos procedimientos Para restablecermen y el dia 5 de marzo fui trasladado en el avion ambulancia a ki a la ciudad de bogota al hospital militar central donde me realizaron el resto de procedimientos requeridos debido al accidente. por la mina.
Fortul – arauca – March 4 -2018
Good afternoon my name is (—)
I belon’ to the special and energetic road battallion # 14 Captain miguel lora. I bblong to company B of the second platoon Bramonte 2. on March 4 I was at the sector of the agua viva lane Municipality of Fortul arauca where I was destined to carry out my shift on guard duty when I went to the assigned post I stepped on the mine and it threw me over and into the water where one of my mates ran to help me and he draged me out to a field and the nurse gave me first aid an’ waited for the elicopter that took about 35 minutes to get there, then I was transferred tothe city of arauca – Arauca to the regional hospital over there where they made some procedures to cure me and on March 5, I was transferred by amb’lance plane here to the city of Bogota to the central military hospital where they did the rest of the procedures required due to the accident. on account of the mine.